Since 2004, MyParasites have been clawing their way up from the murder capital of the United States, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and have been earning their reputation with every live performance. Implementing Elements of industrial electronic thrash music and EDM, MyParasites evolved into a mechanical blending of pure raw emotion, alongside a parasitic sound that is unlike any other. With lyrics concerning trust, lies, infidelity, sex, and deceit, MyParasites brings a new sincere evaluation and opinion of lifes' surroundings that many can relate to. Utilizing a disarray of electronics, samplers, synthesizers, guitars, electronic drums, and angle grinders, MyParasites assaults the stage with a terrifying, yet awe-inspiring live performance. Splicing together concepts of tragic recollections and personal anguish, MyParasites snaps back at society with a vindictive, unforgiving response.
Who Are We?